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you have rescued her, let her know what share I have had in her deliverance."

"Generous Fairy," cried the Prince, "I cannot at present express all my gratitude to you, but I declare myself for ever your most faithful slave." He mounted his three-headed horse, which immediately set off full gallop with its twelve feet, and made more haste than three of the finest horses; so much so, that in a very short time he arrived at the top of the mountain, where he saw his dear Princess all alone, and the frightful Dragon slowly approaching towards her. The green horse belched fire, bombs, and cannon balls, which not a little astonished the monster; he received twenty cannon balls in his throat, which damaged his scales a little, and the bombs knocked out one eye. He became furious, and would have rushed upon the Prince; but his sword, eighteen yards long, was of such fine tempered steel, that he wielded it as he pleased, thrusting it sometimes up to the hilt, or lashing him with it as with a whip. The Prince would not, however, have escaped feeling the force of this monster's claws, but for the diamond armour, which was impenetrable.

Moufette recognised him from afar, for the diamond which completely encased him was exceedingly brilliant and clear; she was consequently seized with the most mortal fright that a fond woman could suffer under such circumstances; but the King and Queen began to feel in their heart some ray of hope; for it was very extraordinary to see a horse with twelve feet and three heads, out of which came fire and flames, and a Prince in a case of diamonds, and armed with so formidable a sword, arrive at so critical a moment and fight with so much valour. The King placed his hat upon his cane, and the Queen tied her handkerchief to the end of a stick, to make signs to the Prince and encourage him. All their retinue did the same; but he did not require it, for his heart alone, and the peril in which he saw his mistress, was sufficient to animate him.

What efforts did he not make! The earth was covered with darts, claws, horns, wings, and scales of the Dragon. The monster's blood flowed in a thousand places, which was quite blue, while that of the horse was green, which made a singular mixture upon the ground. The Prince fell five times, but always recovered himself; he seized his opportunity to