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Ifai. xliv. 3, 4. " I will pour water on him that is thirſty, and floods upon the dry ground ; even my ſpirit upon thy ſeed, and my bleſſing upon thine offſpring. They ſhall grow up as among the graſs, as willows by the water-courſes. Have you no other thirſt, but like that of the dry ground ? and he hath promſed a flood ? Then, o put him to his word, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.

Oh ! but is there any word for me, that am like the barren ground and unfruitful, that bears nothing but briers and thorns, and I find this ground is rejected, is nigh unto curſing, whoſe end is to be burned ? Is this your fear and concern ? Hear that word, Ifai. lv. 13. " Inſtead of the thorn ſhall come up the fir-tree, and inſtead of the brier, the myrtle-tree ; and it ſhall be to the Lord for a name, and for an everlaſting ſign that ſhall not be cut off. Hof. xiv. 8. I am like a green fir-tree, from me is thy fruit found. Hath he ſaid ſo ? Then put him to his word, ſaying, LORD, do at thou haſt ſaid.

Alas ! but is there any word for me, that have been a fool, a mocker, a ſcorner,