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national covenant ſix times * ; and he hath had martyrs for his kingly office, that have aſſerted his royal prerogative at the expence of their blood : therefore let us apply that word, He will ariſe and have mercy on Zion. He hath ſaid ſo ? Then, O take him at his word, ſaying, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.

But, is there any word for a poor creature that is in bondage through fear of death ? " If I have run with footmen, and they have wearied me, then how can I contend with horſes ? And, if in the land of peace, wherein I I truſted, they wearied me, then what will I do in the ſwelling of Jordan? " I tremble to meet with the king of terrors ? Why, he hath ſaid, Hof. xiii. 14. " I will ranſom them from the power of the grave ; I will redeem them from death : O death ! I will be thy plague ; O grave ! I will be thy deſtruction. Death ſhall be ſwallowed up in victory.” Plead then that he would do as he hath ſaid.

  • This was done at different periods betwixt the year 1580, and 1650.