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as they were threatened, unleſs they repented ? Thus it is as he hath ſaid. Is not mahomet, the falſe prophet, and his followers, like the waters of the great river Euphrates, to which they are conpared in ſcripture ? And thus it is as he hath ſaid, Does not the whole world ly in wickedneſs, as the word of God ſhews ? And ſo it is as he hath ſaid. Is not every ſaint as a brand pleuked out of the burning, as the ſcripture ſpeaks ? And it is as he hath ſaid. Are not deiſts and ſcoffers walking after their own luſts, and ridiculing the promiſe of Chriſt's coming, as the ſcripture ſpeaks ? And for it is as he hath ſaid. Are not all the black marks of perilous times in the laſt days upon us, as the ſcripture ſpeaks ? And ſo it is as he hath ſaid. Are not the fooliſh virgins as many, yea, and more than the wife, and all ſlumbering and ſleeping, and all according as he hath ſaid ? Doth not the Spirit ſpeak expreſly, that in the latter times ſome ſhall depart from the faith ? Accordingly it is as he hath ſaid. Is not the goſpel a favour of life to ſome, and a favour of death to others ? Is not Chriſt precious to ſome, and a ſtone of ſtumbling and a rock of offence to others, as the ſcripture ſpeaks ? and ſo it is as he hath ſaid. Look about you, and ſee if any thing that falls out be not an accompliſhment of the word : and, O how ſhould you value this word ! not a jot or tittle of it ſhall fall to the ground.

Walk to this garden of the ſcripture, and pluck up the flowers of goſpel-promiſes and put them in your boſom ; live by faith upon the promiſes, and be perſuaded, whatever ſtands in the way, that he will do as he hath ſaid. He will do ſo, for what he hath ſaid he hath written, what he hath ſaid he hath ſealed, what he hath ſaid he hath ſworn, what he hath ſaid he will never unſay ; therefore, take hold of the word of grace, and hold him at his word in life and at death, ſaying, Do as thou haſt ſaid.