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camps; we are in your palace, your senate, your forum : the temples alone are yours.” Apol. adv. Gentes, c. xxxvii. p. 67.


St. CYPRIAN, L.C. “The Chuch, imbrued with the light of the Lord, sends forth her rays over the whole earth.” De Unit. p. 195. See the whole passage, p. 52.


St. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM, G. C. “The Church is called Catholic, because it is diffused over the whole earth. Likewise, because it teaches catholicly, and without any omission, all points that men should know concerning things visible and invisible, heavenly and earthly; and because the human race, princes and private men, are subjected to its controul. All kinds of sin, also, and the operations of mind and body, engage its care. In this same Church is every virtue found by whatever name it may be called, in actions, and in words, and in spiritual gifts. Properly it is named the Church, that is, a convocation; because all men are called and assembled together.—The authority of kings is restricted to certain limits and nations: that of the Catholic Church has no bounds.” Catech. xviii. n. xxiii. xxvii. p. 296, 298.

ST. OPTATUS OF MILEVIS, L. C. - See the quotation, p. 43.

St. EPIPHANIUS, G.C.-“Now, let me ask : who is the best informed? An insignificant mortal, who made his appearance yesterday, and may be seen to-day? or the witnesses who lived before us, and who held that doctrine in the Church, which they had received from their predecessors,