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our purpose to be in possession of a tradition coming down from our Fathers as an inheritance transmitted from the Apostles, through a succession of holy men.” Orat. 111, contra Eunom. T. ii. p. 126. Edit. Paris. 1615.

St. GREGORY OF NAZIANZUM, G.C.—“I wish, to the last breath of life, that deposit should be confessed of those holy Fathers, who lived nearest to Christ and to the origin of our Faith, and that profession maintained, which we imbibed with our milk, which we uttered with our first speech.” Orat. vi. T. 1, p. 141.-“ My sheep hear my voice, that voice which was instructed by the sacred oracles, and the writings of the holy Fathers. What I have learnt from them, I shall always teach, not varying in a single point as the times may vary. In that profession I was born: in that I will die.” Orat. xxv. p. 440.

ST. EPIPHANIUS, G. C.-“We must look also to tradition: for all things cannot be learned from the Scriptures. For which reason, the holy Apostles left some things in writing, and others not. Which Paul himself affirms, (1 Cor. c. xi.) As I delivered them to you, he says; and in another place: So I teach, and so I delivered to the Churches. And again : If you remember: unless you have believed in vain.” Adv. Apostolicos. Hær. xli. sive lxi. T. 1, p. 511.-“ Our boundaries are fixed, and the foundation and the structure of Faith. We have the traditions of the Apostles, and the holy Scriptures, and the succession of doctrine and truth diffused all around."--Hær. xxxv. sive lv. T. I, p. 471.

ST. JEROM, L. C.—“Now, though there were no Scripture authority, the consent of the whole world would carry with it the weight of a command. For many things, that, by tradition, are observed in the Churches, have acquired the