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sive li. p. 440. “The Lord appointed Peter, the first of the Apostles, the firm rock on which the Church of God was built, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; for the gates of hell are heresies and heresiarchs.” In Anchorat. T. ii. p. 14.

St. AMBROSE, L.C. “By temptation we are improved, so that he who was found weak acquires strength, and is able to instruct others. Peter, after his fall, is appointed the Ruler of the Church ; and the Lord before signifies why he afterwards chose him to conduct his flock. For he said to him, And thou being converted, confirm thy brethren." In Psal. xliii. T. 1. p. 904. “Christ did not doubt, neither did he ask to learn, but to teach who it was that he would leave behind him as vicar of his love. Because he alone, amongst all, confesses Christ, he is preferred before all." He is commanded to feed not his lambs only, but his sheep; that So, he being the more perfect, might govern those that are more perfect.” L. x, in Luc. Ibid. p. 1542. “ It was worthy of Paul, when he went up to Jerusalem, (Gal. c. i.) to wish to see Peter, because he was the first among the Apostles to whom the Saviour had delegated the care of the Churches; not, indeed, to learn any thing from him, because he had already received instruction from him who had instructed Peter; but from his regard to the Apostleship, and that Peter might know that the same power had been given to him which he himself had received." Com. in c. 1. ad Gal. T. 11. in Append. p. 213. see Note, p. 44.

St. John CHRYSOSTOM, G. C. “Did not Peter, that pillar of the Church, that foundation of the faith, that head of the choir of the Apostles," deny his master three several