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that thy Holy Spirit may come down upon us, and upon these gifts and offerings, and may sanctify them, and may make them thy holy of holies—And may He make this bread, the holy body of the same Lord our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, which is given for the remission of sins, and eternal life to him who shall partake of it. And this chalice, the precious blood of thy New Testament, of the same Lord, our God and Saviour Jesus Christ, which is given for the remission of sins, &c." p. 16.-“ We pray (God the Father) to make us worthy of the communion and participation of his divine and immortal mysteries, the holy body and precious blood of his Christ.” p. 19.-Holding his hand elevated, with three parts of the consecrated host in it, the Priest says: “ The holy body, and precious, pure, true blood of Jesus Christ, the Son, our God. Amen. The body and blood of Emmanuel, our God, this is in real truth. Amen. I believe, I believe, I believe and confess, to the last breath of my life, that this is the life-giving body of thine only begotten Son, our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. He received it from the Lady of us all, the Mother of God, the sacred and holy Mary-Make us all worthy, O Lord, to receive thy holy body and thy precious blood, for the cleansing of our bodies, souls, and spirits, and the remission of our sins.” p. 23, 24.

ALEXANDRIAN LITURGY.[1] - " Do not reject us sinners, who are offering to Thee this tremendous and unbloody sacrifice.” Renaudot, T. i. p. 57.-“ Grant that with all fear, and a pure conscience, we may offer to thee this spiritual and unbloody sacrifice on this holy altar.” p. 61.-Elevating the larger part of the consecrated host, he says: “ Τα αγια τοις αγιους—The holy body and precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen. The holy, precious body, and true blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen.-The body

  1. Called also the Liturgy of St. Basil, taken from the Græco-Arabic.