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embrace one another with the kiss of peace. Then to him who presides over the brethren, is presented bread, and wine tempered with water; having received which, he gives glory to the Father of all things in the name of the Son and the Holy Ghost, and returns thanks, in many prayers, that he has been deemed worthy of these gifts. These offices being duly performed, the whole assembly, in acclamation, answers Amen; when the ministers, whom we call deacons, distribute to each one present a portion of the blessed bread, and the wine and water: some is also taken to the absent. This food we call the Eucharist, of which they alone are allowed to partake, who believe the doctrines taught by us, and have been regenerated by water for the remission of sin, and who live as Christ ordained. Nor do we take these gifts, as common bread and common drink ; but as Jesus Christ, our Saviour, made man by the word of God, took flesh and blood for our salvation : in the same manner, we have been taught, that the food which has been blessed by the prayer of the words which he spoke, and by which our blood and flesh, in the change, are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus The Apostles, in the commentaries written by them, which are called Gospels, have delivered, that Jesus so commanded, when taking bread, having given thanks, he said: Do this in remembrance of me; This is my body. In like manner, taking the cup, and giving thanks, he said : This is my blood : and that he distributed both to them only.” Apol. i. Hagæ Comitum, 1742, p. 82, 83.

St. IRENÆUS, L.C. “It is our duty to make an offering to God, and with a pure heart, a sincere faith, a firm hope, and a fervent charity, to present to the maker of all things, the first fruits of his creatures. But this pure oblation, the Church alone makes. The Jews make it not, for their hands