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the sea: but now regeneration is in kind, in water, and in the Holy Ghost. Then, obscurely, manna was the food; but now in kind the flesh of the Word of God is the true food; even as he said: my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. Hom.[1] vii. in Num. T. ii. p. 290.

St. HIPPOLYTUS, G. C. Commenting on the words of Proverbs ix.-Wisdom hath built herself a house; he says, “He (Christ) prepared his table, that is, the promised knowledge of the Holy Trinity, and moreover his venerable and sacred body and blood, which are every day offered up") in remembrance of that divine and mysterious supper.Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine which I have mingled for you, that is, his divine body and his venerable blood, which he gave us to eat and drink”) for the remission of sins." In Prov. c. ix. p. 282.

FERMILIAN, G. C.[2] “What a crime is committed by those who admit, and those who are admitted, when they have the presumption to receive the holy communion, before they have declared their sins, and washed away their stains in the bath of the Church, impiously touching the body and the blood of the Lord; since it is written: 'He that shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord!” ” Ep. ad Cyprian. Conc. Gen. T.i. p. 757.

  1. These homilies, which are not extant in Greek, are thought to have been rather loosely translated by Rufinus of Aquileia ; but, as Rufinus lived in the filth century, the contemporary and antagonist of St. Jerom, his testimony alone serves to prove the faith of the age.
  2. Bishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia, the friend of Origen, and correspondent of St. Cyprian. He died at Tarsus, at an advanced age, in 269.