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right and just to give thanks to the Lord.-We then recite that sacred hymn, which the seraphim chant in heaven in honour of the three Divine Persons, that by this celestial psalmody, we may communicate with the angelic host, and that being more and more sanctified by these spiritual canticles, we may with greater purity entreat so good and kind a God to send down the Holy Spirit on the things, that are offered, and to make the bread become the body of Jesus Christ, and the wine his blood. For all that receives the impression of the Holy Spirit is sanctified and changed into another substance, Now, when the spiritual sacrifice ended, and this unbloody worship rendered to God by means of the host of expiation, is completed, we pray for the peace of all the Churches ; for the tranquillity of the world; for kings and their armies; and for their allies; for the afflicted; in a word, for all who stand in need of the divine assistance. (Here comes the prayer for the dead, which will be found under Proposition XII.) You say afterwards : Our Father, who art in heaven. After this, you hear the voice of the chanter, who by a melodious and divine canticle, invites you to the communion of the sacred mysteries, saying these words : Taste and see how sweet is the Lord. Do you think that you are commanded to make this discovery by the mere taste of the palate? In no wise; but by the testimony of faith, which is certain and leaves no room for doubt. For, when you communicate, you are not commanded to taste the bread and wine, but to take the sacrament of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Now, when you approach to communicate, you must not come with your hands stretched out, or your fingers open;