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your passion, pronounced the unjust and cruel words which have caused the blood of so many innocent persons to be spilt? Retire then, and beware how you attempt to add crime to crime. Permit yourself rather to be bound in the manner, which God, the Lord of all, ratifies above ; for it is able to heal your soul, and restore it to health.” Eccles. Hist. L. v. c. 18. p. 220. Parisiis, 1673.

St. PROSPER,[1] L. C.-“ He receives the food of life, and drinks the cup of eternity, who dwells in Christ, and Christ in him. For he that departs from Christ, eats not his flesh, nor drinks his blood, though he daily take, to his oron condemnation, that august Sacrament." In Sententiis, p. 596. Ed. Paris. 1711.

SALVIANUS,[2] L.C.-" If any one ask, why God requires more from Christians by the Gospels than he did of old from the Jews, by the old law, the reason is easily given. For if we now pay more homage and service to God, it is because we are more indebted to him. The Jews had but the shadow; we enjoy the reality. They were slaves; we are adopted children. They were covered with maledictions; are loaded with graces. They received the letter, which gave death, we have received the spirit which giveth life. To them was sent a servant for a master; and to instruct us, the Son of God himself has been sent. They passed through the Red Sea, to enter into a desert; and we

  1. A learned layman of Aquitain, and contemporary with St. Augustin, in whose defence he wrote several works, which are extant. He died about the year 463.
  2. A learned priest of Marseilles, who flourished from about the middle, to the end, of the fifth century, and of whom we have eight books, On the Government of God; and four books, Against Avarice ; addressed to the Catholic Church, under the name of Timotheus; besides some epistles. Baluze published them together with the Commonitorium of Vincent of Lerins, at Paris, in 1684.