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your Father; he will be touched with a sense of your misery. Shew to him what is concealed without blushing ; open the secrets of your soul, as if you were shewing to a physician a hidden disorder; he will take care of your honour and of your cure." Serm. de Pænit. p. 175, 176. in append. ad Op. St. Basilii, Paris. 1618.--" Whoever secretly steals another man's goods, if he afterwards discovers, by Confession, his sin to the Priest, his heart being changed, he shall cure his wound: but then he must give to the poor, and thereby clearly shew, that he is free from the sin of avarice?" Ep. Canon. ad Letoium, Can. vi. T.i. p. 954.

St. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM, G. C.-“ Put off the old man, who is corrupted according to your lusts ; (Epb.iv.) put him off by Confession, that you may put on the new man.The present time is the time of Confession. Confess the things that you have done, in word or in deed, by night or by day. Confess in an acceptable time,) and in the day of salvation." Catech. i. n.ii.v. p. 17, 18.

St. GREGORY OF NAZIANZUM, G.C.-Speaking of the penitential works that must be gone through, lest the sinner be surprised by death, he says: “But, perhaps, supplicantly thou wilt pray the Lord, that he will yet spare the vine, and not cut it down, accused as it is of sterility, but permit thee to manure round it; that is, to employ tears, and groans, and prayers, and watchings, and the maceration of