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such penance, as is done in the Church, that the Church may pray for you. Let no one say: I do it secretly ; I do it before God: he knows my heart, and will pardon me. it then said without reason, what you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed in heaven? Were the keys then given to the Church for no purpose Job said, If I have blushed to confess my sins (xxxi. 33.): but you blush to bend your knees. Emperors and Senators have not blushed to do it. Therefore was it the will of heaven, that Theodosius should publicly do penance before the people, chiefly because his crime could not be kept secret ; and shall a senator be ashamed to imitate his example? Not a senator only; but a plebeian, or a tradesman? What pride is this !” Ibid. Serm. cccxcii. p. 1504.—“Some one may say, good Priest, you can give us no security; you tell us, that he will be saved, who, having been impenitent while he was in health, was reconciled at death. Instruct us, how we should live after penance. I tell you—abstain from all crimes. And I add: not only, after having done penance, should a man keep himself from crimes; but likewise before, whilst he is in health ; because he knows not, when death approaches, that he shall be admitted to penance, and be able to confess his sins to God and the Priest. Therefore I said, that you should live well before penance, and better after it.-Would you then remove all doubt, and escape all uncertainty? Do penance while you enjoy health. For if you do this sincerely, and your last day find you so doing; run to be reconciled, and you will be secure. And why so? Because, at the time you could have sinned, you did penance. But