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be empowered to shew mercy, or to lengthen the time of penance.(6) But chiefly let their former and subsequent life be examined, and thus lenity be shewn them.” Conc. Gen. T. 1. can. V. p. 1458.

COUNCIL OF NICE, IN 325, G.C.—“ They, who have been called by grace, and have shewn their former ardour, but afterwards returned to their former ways, let them be subjected to a more severe, and longer period of penance. But in all cases, &c.” See the passage, p. 342.-Conc. Gen. T. ii. can. xii. p. 34.

COUNCIL OF CARTHAGE, IN 398,[1] L. C.-" When a sinner implores to be admitted to penance, let the Priest, without any distinction of persons, enjoin what the Canons enact.—They who shew negligence, must be less readily admitted. If any one, after having, by the testimony of others, implored forgiveness, be in imminent danger of death, let him be reconciled by the imposition of hands, and receive the Eucharist. If he survive, let him be informed, that his petition has been complied with, and then be subject to the appointed rules of penance so long as it shall seem good to the Priest who prescribed the penance.” Conc. Gen. T. ii. can. lxxiv. lxxv. lxxvi. p. 1205.

St. BASIL AND ST. GREGORY OF Nyssa, G.C.-They lay down the same rules, and after them the Roman Bishop

INNOCENT I.-—“ In estimating the grievousness of sins, it is the duty of the Priest to judge; attending to the Confession of the penitent, and the signs of his repentance; and then to order him to be loosed, when he shall see due satis-

  1. One hundred and four canons, of which the greater part regards the ordination and duties of Bishops and Priests, are attributed to the fourth Council of Carthage. It assembled in 398, and 214 bishops assisted at it, among whom was the great St. Augustin. St. Aurelius of Carthage presided.