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tle says: If the dead rise not again at all, why are they then baptised for them? (1 Cor. 15, 29.) If also the sons of Mathathias (2 Machab. xii.), who celebrated their feasts in figure only, could cleanse those from guilt by their offerings, who fell in battle; how much more shall the Priests of Christ aid the dead by their oblations and prayers?" In Testament. T. ii. p. 234. p. 371. Edit. Oxon.

St. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM, G. C. “ Then (in the Liturgy of the Church) we pray for the holy Fathers and the Bishops that are dead; and, in short, for all those who are departed this life in our communion; believing that the souls of those, for whom the prayers are offered, receive very great relief, while this holy and tremendous victim lies upon the altar. This we will shew you by an example: for I know there are many who say-What good can it do to a soul which is departed out of this life, whether with sins or without them, to be remembered in this Sacrifice? But tell me, I pray you; if a King had sent into banishment some persons that had offended him, and their friends should present him with a crown of great price to appease his anger, might not the King, on that account, shew some favour to the guilty persons? So do we address our prayers to God for those that are dead, though they were sinners; not by presenting to him a crown, but by offering up to him Christ, who was sacrificed for our sins, propitiating him, who is so merciful, for them and for us." Catech. Mystag. v. n. ix. x. p. 328.

FOURTH COUNCIL OF CARTHAGE, L. C. “ Penitents, who have carefully submitted to the laws of the Church,