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and his Church ; it is plain, that the woman, who has no part in the nuptial mystery, can have no claim to matrimony." Ep. ii. al. xcii. ad Rusticum Narbon. p.408.

ST. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA, G.C. “ Christ was born of a woman; not that such a birth arose from any necessity of his nature; but because it was his wish to entail his blessing on the origin of man, and reverse the curse that had been pronounced against him.-- For the same reason also he would be present with his disciples at the marriage of Cana; that his blessing might give honour to it. This we have learned from the divine Scriptures, from the holy Apostles, and the testimony of our Fathers.” Nest. Conc. Gen. T. iii. p. 408.—“ When the marriage was celebrated, and the Mother of Jesus was there, he himself came with his disciples, not to feast, but to work a miracle; and moreover to give a blessing to the principle of human life, as far as the body is concerned. For it was expedient, that he who came to renovate the nature of man, and to restore all things, should bestow a blessing, not alone on those who were then born, but should prepare a grace for those who were to come, and sanctify their origin.-By his presence, as he was the subject of joy to all, he gave a dignity to the nuptial bond, and diminished the pain of child-birth.” Com. in Joan. L. ii. c.i. T. iv. p. 134-5.

ST. MAXIMUS OF TURIN, L. C.[1] “ The Son of God goes to the marriage, that what, by his power, he, long before, appointed, he might now sanctify by his presence.” Hom. i. de Epiph. Bibl. PP. Max. T. vi. p. 9.


“ The Father of the human race, under the instinct of the holy Spirit pronounced the bond of marriage to be perpetual

  1. He was Bishop of that city under Honorius, and was alive in 165. He has left some Homilies.