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thought of the Apostle, that one died for all.” Lib. vi. Contra Julian. T. vi. p. 194, 195.—“ By the pillar here mentioned (Is. xix. 19.) is understood, either the holy temple, that is the Church, or the sign of the Cross, with which the faithful are surrounded and fortified. With this we turn aside every attack, and guard against the onsets of the devils; for the Cross is to us as a wall not to be broken down. In that we glory, as it brings salvation to us. Wherefore, the Apostle says: God forbid, that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Gal. vi.) Com. in Isaiam. Lib. 11. T. iv. p. 294.

THEODORET, G. C. “The objects before us confirm what we say: the world reclaimed from its former ignorance : Greeks, Romans, barbarians, pronouncing the name of a crucified God, giving honour to the sign of the Cross, and, in place of many lying deities, adoring a Trinity of persons: the temples of those idols levelled with the ground: illustrious Christian Churches every where raised !” De Provid. Dei Serm. vi. T. iv. p. 580.—He relates in his history the incident of the apostate Julian being terrified by the appearance of some devils whom he had evocated; when, in his fear, he made the sign of the Cross on his forehead, to which, when a Christian, he had been accustomed: the devils fled; and Julian acknowledged the power of the Cross. Hist. Eccles. L. iii. c. iii. T. iii. p. 124.

St. Nilus, G.C. “If you often imprint on your forehead and on your heart the sign of our Lord's Cross, the evil spirits will fly from you; for they tremble at that blessed sign.” L. ii. Ep. ccciv. p. 270.-He repeats the same, L.iii. Ep. cclxxviii. p. 435.