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eulogiums we give thee, grant us great gifts from the treasures of thy graces, thou who art full of grace.- Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Queen and mother of God, intercede for us."-Serm. in Annunt. T. ii. p. 401.

ST. HILARY OF POITIERS, L. C.-" To them that wish to stand there is not wanting the custody of Saints, nor the guardianship of Angels. -And lest we might think lightly of the protection of Apostles, Patriarchs, and Prophets, or rather of Angels, who surround, with a certain ward, the Church, it is added in the psalm, the Lord is round about his people.—He is with us."--Comment. in Psal. cxxiv.p. 404.“ We recollect, that there are many spiritual powers, who are called Angels, or who preside over Churches—and as the Lord teaches, the Angels of the little ones always see God. According to Raphael speaking to Tobias, there are Angels that serve before the face of God, and who convey to him the prayers of the suppliant.”—It is not the character of the Deity that stands in need of this intercession, but our infirmity does. They are sent for the sake of those who shall inherit salvation : God is not ignorant of any thing which we do; but the weakness of man, to supplicate and to obtain, calls for the ministry of spiritual intercession.” -In Psal. cxxix. p. 439, 440.

St. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM, G. C.- Having stated the doctrine of the Church on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, as already quoted, and the form of the holy Sacrifice, the Saint proceeds :-“ Now when this spiritual sacrifice is ended, and this unbloody worship over the victim of propitiation, we supplicate God for the common peace of the Churches, for the tranquillity of the world, for kings, for their