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with Peter and Andrew, that they may pray for thee, and thy bad desires may cease.-Peter and Andrew interceded for the widow. (Luke iv. 38.) It were well if we could obtain so speedy an Intercessor : but surely they who implored the Lord for their relation, can do the same for us. You see, that she who was a sinner, was little fitting to pray for herself, or at least to obtain what she asked. Other Intercessors to the Physician were therefore necessary.-The Angels, who are appointed to be our guardians, must be invoked; and the martyrs likewise, whose bodies seem to be a pledge for their patronage. They, who in their blood washed away every stain of sin, can implore forgiveness for us: they are our guides, and the beholders of our lives and actions: to them, therefore, we should not blush to have recourse." Lib. de Viduis, T. ii. p. 200.—“ They are not dead, whose Feast we this day celebrate ; but, being renewed, they live; for they are made partakers of Christ, who is the life of all. Their bodies indeed perished; but the

progress of life was not broken. Without intermission, they return thanks to God, and repeat the praises of their Saviour.” Serm. liii. de SS. Petro et Paulo, T. ii. in Append. p. 464.—“As often as we celebrate the memories of the Martyrs, we should meet together, casting behind us all the cares of life.-- The Lord hath said, (Luke x. 16.) he that honoureth you, honoureth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me. He, therefore, who honours the Martyrs, honours Christ; while he that despises the Saints, despises the Lord." Serm. ii. Ibid. p. 465.

Sr. EPIPHANIUS, G.C.-Having censured the practices of certain heretics, who paid an undue honour to the Virgin Mary, he says: “Her body, I own, was holy, but she was