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souls of those will be thereby benefitted, who so lived as to deserve it, there can be no doubt." De curâ pro mortuis gerenda, c. iv. T. vi. p. 519.—“But, by what means the Martyrs assist those, whom we believe to be assisted by them, is a question surpassing the powers of my understandingwhether they be personally present in many places remotely distant, or whether praying, in general, for the wants of all who invoke their intercession, as we pray for the dead, from whom we are absent, and of whom we know nothing) God Almighty, every where present, hearing the supplications of his Martyrs, may, by the ministry of his Angels, grant the succours that are requested.---This, I say, is a question too deep for me to reach, too abstruse for my penetration.” Ibid. xvi. p. 528.—“Holy and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, our Saviour Jesus Christ, deign to intercede in my behalf before him, whose temple thou hast deserved to be. Celestial choirs of Angels, Archangels, Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Priests, Levites, Monks, Virgins, and all the Just!-by him, who has elected you, and the contemplation of whom forms your felicity, I presume to beg of you, that you would deign to supplicate God, for me, a sinner, that I may deserve to be freed from the jaws of the devil, and eternal death.” Medit. c. xl. T. ix. p. 350.-Paris, 1586.

St. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA, G. C.-In the prayer, which Catholics daily address to the Virgin Mary, are the words: “ Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.” The words Mother of God-in Greek Okorokos, in Latin Deipara—to persons not fully acquainted with the doctrine of the Incarnation, nor with the necessity there often has been of opposing error by the introduction of terms not strictly scriptural, cause some difficulty. Against the errors of Arius the word consubstantial was