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Church induced me to it, I would not believe the Gospel. As then I obey those who say to me-Believe the Gospel ; so, why should I not obey them, when they say: Believe not the Manicheans.” Contra ep. Fundam. c. iv, v. p. 154. Ibid.

“ This Church, moreover, the divine authority commends, and as it cannot deceive us, he, who fears to be imposed on, under the obscurity of the present question, (concerning baptism) will consult the Church, which, without any ambiguity, the Scriptures establish.” Contra Crescon. L. I. c. xxxiii. T. ix. p. 407. “Do thou run to the tabernacle of God; hold fast to the Catholic Church; do not depart from the rule of truth,") and thou shalt be protected in the tabernacle from the contradiction of tongues.” Enar. iv. in Psal. xxx. T. iv. p.166

ST. ISIDORE OF PELUSIUM,[1] G. C.—“ Those holy volumes of Scriptures are certain steps, by which to ascend to God. Receive therefore, as pure gold, and purged, as it were, by the Holy Spirit, whatever is proposed to you in the Church. But as to such writings, as are not contained in that holy volume, though they may hold out some good advice, leave them to be discussed and preserved by others.” Ep. 369. p. 96. Edit. Paris. 1638.

St. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA,[2] G.C.—“Though the mind

  1. A Priest of Damiata, anciently called Pelusium, in Egypt. He flourished from the beginning of the fifth century, till towards the year 435, or 440, and has left us 2,012 letters, written in Greek. one of the most illustrious disciples of St. John Chrysostom, and corresponded with St. Cyril of Alexandria.
  2. He succeeded Theophilus, in the patriarchal See of Alexandria, in 412, and was the active and successful opponent of Nestorius; against whom was called, in 431, the Council of Ephesus, in which St. Cyril presided. He died in 444. The best edition of his works, in Greek and Latin, is that of Paris, in 1638, in six volumes, by John Aubert.