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Protestant churches, cures in, 5.

Protestants, relapses among, 19.

Providence, New Testament doctrine of, 43.

Prudden, Dr., on bacteriology, 232.

Psychic energy, healing by transfer of, 250.

Psycho-genesis, looseness in study of, 29, note.

Psychology, importance of study of, 29, note.

Public careers, planetary influence on, 73.

Pugin, planetary influence on, 76.

Pyromancy, 89.

Pythagoras, belief in astrology, 66.

Pythian priestesses, 91.

Quack doctors, 8.

Quack medicines, 18.

Quacks, quarrels among, 33-35.

Quassia, simulated cure for cholera, 51.

Queen Mary's martyr's, 75.

Quimby, P. P., 250.

Radcliffe, Dr., attention paid to minds of patients, 284, 285.

Raising the dead, 13; the faith-healers' limit, 16.

Raleigh, N. C., earthquakes at, 78.

Ralston on witchcraft in Russia, 202.

Reason, ascendancy of, destroyed by faith-healing doctrine, 46.

Reasoning distinguished from revery, 120.

Red Sea, ghosts' dread of, 194.

Reed, Carl H., testimony as to an alleged miracle, 55.

Reed, Dr. Fitch, on impressions, 160.

Regulus, influence of, 73.

Reichenbach, Baron, healing by odylic force, 290.

Relapses, 13, 14, 18, 19; evidence of, suppressed, 19; liability of faith-healers to, 38; no account of, in New Testament, 42; ignored by faith-healers, 47.

Relics, cures by, 5.

Religion, tendencies of schools in, 15; to be ignored in certain investigations, 20; claim of, 151.

Religious belief distinguished from ordinary belief, 63.

Religious mania, cure of, 287, 288.

Religious revivals, 1-3.

Reputation, influence of, 42.

Research, extent of author's, 3.

Resemblances, coincidences in, 96.

Rethel, Alfred, planetary influence on, 76.

Revelations, divine, 58, 63.

Reverence, 28, 42.

Revery, 120, 121, 129, 155, 156.

Revivals, experiences of converts in, 172; visions as results of, 179.

Rheumatism, cures of, 5, 15, 22, 23, 24, 27, 38, 248, 256; effect of shock on, 51, 52; planetary influence on, 73.

Rhode Island, witchcraft in, 206, 214.

Ringworm, produced by Aries, 73.

Roman Catholic churches, cures in, 4, 5.

Roman Catholic healers, relative success of, 15.

Roman Catholic miracles, relative success of, 15; Mr. Simpson on, 48.

Roman Catholics, cures of deafness by, 16; relapses among, 19; comparisons of cures with those of other sects, 38; use of oil by, 43, and note; compared with Spiritualists, 48; faith in, 48; healed by God and the devil, 48, 49.

Romans, dreams among, 109; witchcraft among, 209, 210.

Rome, astrology in, 66; divination in, 89; belief in apparitions in, 187.

Rosetta Stone, the, 96, 97.

Rowland, Rev. D., case of, 137, 138, 145, 146.

Rush, Dr., on cures of consumption, 21, 22; employment of faith as means of cure, 284.

Russia, witchcraft in, 32, 202, 203, 205.

Russo-Greek miracles, relative success of, 15.

Ruthlein, Capt., cure of, 3, 4.

Sadducecs, 232.

Sailors, superstitions of, 164, 188, 189.

Sagittarius, influence of, 75.

St. John, Christ's message to, 39.

St. Louis, failure of prayer in, 58.

St. Paul, Ananias's prayer for, 41; miracles at Melita, 41; cures lame man, 41; his prayer and its answer, 43; on idolatry, 221.

St. Peter, raises Tabitha, 41; cures lame man, 41; released from prison, 41.

St. Theresa, visions of, 176, 177.

Salem Witchcraft See Witchcraft.

Salvation Army, catalepsy among, 60.

Sane? are subjective visions possible to the, 169 et seq.

Sardinia, Roman Catholic Bishop of, cures by, 3, 4.

Sardinia influenced by Gemini, 72.

Satan, powers of, 177.

Saturn, influence of, 66, 68, 73, 75, 76, 81, 87.

Saturn in Aries, 75, 81.

Sausages, phosphorescent, 233.

Saxons, witchcraft among, 211.

Scalding water, effect of, on rheumatism, 51, 52.

Schools in religion and medicine, tendencies of, 15.