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The Preface.

If it were the Buſineſs of my Life or Learning, to procure my ſelf that noyſe which men call Fame, I am not to ſeek what might conduce to it. It is an Age affords many Advantages, and I might have the choyce of ſeveral Foundations, whereon to build my ſelf. I can ſee withall, that Time and Imployment have made ſome perſons Men, whom their firſt Adventures did not finde ſuch. This ſuddain Growth might give my Imperfections alſo the Confidence of ſuch another ſtart: but as I live not by common Examples, ſo I drive not a Common Deſign. I have taken a courſe different from that of the World, for (Readers) I would have you
