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The Preface.

The Wiſe-men (ſaith Apollonius) dwell on a little Hill, or Mount, and on the Hill there reſted always a Cloud, in which the Indians hous’d themſelves (for ſo the word ſignifies,) and here did they render themſelves viſible or inviſible, at their own will and diſcretion. This Secret of Inviſibility was not known to the Dutch Boor nor to his Plagiary, the Author of the Manna: but the Fraternity of R. C. can move in this white Miſt. Ut nobiſcum autem convenias (ſay they) neceſſe eſt hanc lucem cerbas, ſine enim hac luce, Impoſſibile eſt nos videre, niſi quando volumus. But Tyaneus tells us ſomething more; namely, that the Brachmans themſelves did not know whether this Hill 'was compaſſed about with Walls, or had any Gates that did lead to it, or no; for the Miſt obſtructed all Diſcoveries. Conſider what you read, for thus ſome body writes concerning the Habitation of R. C. Vidi aliquando Olympicas domos, non procul à Fluviolo & Civitare notâ, quas S. Spiritus vocari imaginamur. Helicon eſt de quo loquor, aut biceps Parnaſſus, in quo Equus Pegaſus fontem aperuit pe-
