Page:Familiar Letters of John Adams and his Wife, Abigail Adams, During the Revolution.djvu/464

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Winthrop, John, Professor, death of, 366. Woedtke, Baron de, made Brigadier- general in American Army, 144. Wollaston Mt., 326. Wopster, David, General, loss of, 269. Wright, Mrs., her efforts in the American cause, 271. Writs, to summon juries, 29. Writs of Assistants considered to be the commencement of trouble with Great Britain, 191, xvi. Wrixon, Major, British officer, law- yer, 144. Wyer, David, notice of, 17. Wythe, George, member of Congress from Virginia, 99. One of com- mittee for reporting on damages, etc., 111. Yorktown, Congress adjourns to, 314. Description of, 320. Zedwitz, Herman, scheme of, to poison the waters of New York city, 225. Zublv, Dr. John J., 99. Notice of, 10L