Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/504

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478 INDEX. Richardson, Rev. James (H. U. 1837), 10. Riches, Thoreau s vague, indefinite, 344. Ricketson, Daniel, described, 283, 306 ; letters from, 286 ; letters to, 287, 288, 309, 311, 314, 319, 322, 324, 356, 364, 367, 393, 396, 407, 425, 434, 455, 459, 460 ; mentioned, 286, 289, 309, 358, 398, 414, 441 ; conversion of, 456. Ricketson, Walton, sculptor, xii, 311. Ridicule of Alcott, 163, 184 ; of man kind, 277, 373 ; of table-tippers, 233. Ripley, Rev. Ezra, D. D. (H. U. 1776), 3. Rivers : the Alpheus, 109 ; Assabet, vii; Chaudiere, 379; Concord, 2, 88, 109, 150-153, 278, 305, 316, 331, 333, 358; Hudson, 120; Long, 451 ; Loup, 379 ; Mincius, 109; Minnesota, 448, 449; Mis sissippi, 447, 452 ; Peabody, 390 ; Penobscot, 380, 381, 392 ; St. John, 380; St. Lawrence, 379; Shaw- sheen, vii ; Yellow Medicine, 452. River, Head of the, at New Bedford, 395. Riviere du Loup, 379 ; Longue, 451, 452. Roach, the fish, 152. Roads traveled by Thoreau, 3, 5, 52, 85, 102, 168, 379, 384. Roberts Brothers, mentioned, 76. Robin Hood, mentioned, 111. Rodman, Mr., of New Bedford, 457. Romans, 79, 184. Rome, 79. Roxbury, Mass., mentioned, 25, 27, 30, 37. Rubber coat, etc., 382, 383. Rural life, 43, 79, 119, 138, 144, 161, 168, 205, 210. Rynders, mentioned, 145. SABATTIA CHLOROIDES, 313. Sabbath-keeping, 118, 229, 235, 392. Sachem Tahatawan (of Concord), , 19. Sacred books, 136, 350, 351. Sadness, 47, 50, 54, 88, 105, 460. Saint, a fair, 135. Saint John, the River, 380. Saint Lawrence, 379. Salem, Mass., mentioned, 230. Salop (Shropshire), 295, 443. Sam, a cat, 33, 36. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin (H. U. 1855), letters to, 68, 69, 300, 446-453 ; his Life of Thoreau, cited, 23, 107, 185, 299; his Me moir of Alcott cited, 72, 285, 401 ; mentioned, 299, 336, 420, 422, 436, 441, 463 ; his school, 300, 377 ; his version of Thoreau s Latin, 33-36. Sandy Hook, near New York, 82, 85, 98. Sane and insane, 293. Sap of the sugar-maple, 327-329. Saratoga mentioned, 276. Sanscrit books, 319, 321, 351. Sarah, Aunt (Dunbar), 3. Sargent, John Turner (H. U. 1827), 229. Savings Bank, Boston, 186. Saturday evening dance, 336. Saturn, 159. Scholars, their complaints, 205, 254, 276, 306 ; their duties, 116, 206 ; their qualities, 116, 123, 174, 210, 310, 330. Schools : of Thoreau, 4, 25-27 ; of Lane, 149 ; of Sanborn, 300, 377. Schools of Concord, 436. Science, 232, 330. Scott, Sir Walter, 136. Scurvy life, 216. Sea and land, x, 15, 81, 93, 98, 221, 302-304, 353. Seashore verses, x ; walks, 363, 366, 412. Sebago Lake, Me., 44. Seeming and being, 50, 104, 193, 258, 262, 274, 376. Sensuality, 245, 260, 346. Serenity and cheerfulness, 46, 48, 115, 328, 459. Seven against Thebes, 121. Seventeen-year locust, 106. Sewing Circle in Concord, 32, 36. Sex and marriage, 238, 240, 245, 249. Shabbiness of Emerson s life, 276 ; of Thoreau, 224. Shackford, Rev. Charles Chauncy (H. U. 1835), 229. Shakers, 135, 246. Shakespeare mentioned, ix, 50, 237. Shame, 200, 238, 250, 345. Shanty, of Thoreau, 68 ; of Ricket son, 286, 311, 322. Shawmut (Boston), 17. Shawsheen (river), vii. Shiner, a fish, 152-157. Shropshire, Eng., 283-285, 295. 298, 439, 443. Simplicity, 194, 256, 350. Skating, 297, 405.