noble to stand aside from, 191; idly complaining, 236; its way, 252 ; and Atlas, 292; no match for a thought, 412; pitch it in a hollow place, sit down and eat your
luncheon, 418; one at a time, 439.
Worms (Lampny noctiluca), 360, 363.
Writing, correct, 112, 187, 365; remarks on, ix, 29, 32, 44, 78, 112, 188, 365, 426.
Wyman trial, the, 124.
“Yankee in Canada," 207, 259.
Yarmouth, Muse, 304.
Yellow House, 5.
Yellow Medicine (river), 452.
Yoga (Hindoo observance), 210.
Yogi, 211.
“Youth of the Poet and Painter" (by Ellery Channing),” 111, 135, 139.