Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/98

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omitting the Bible, the classics, and much be sides, for there the incompleteness begins. But you will be here in season for this.

It is frequently easy to make Mr. Lane more universal and attractive ; to write, for instance, " universal ends " instead of " the universal end," just as we pull open the petals of a flower with our fingers where they are confined by its own sweets. Also he had better not say " books designed for the nucleus of a Home University," until he makes that word " home " ring solid and universal too. This is that abominable dia lect, lie had just given me a notice of George Bradford s Fenelon for the Eecord of the Months, and speaks of extras of the Eeview and Catalogue, if they are printed, even a hun dred, or thereabouts. How shall this be ar ranged ? Also he wishes to use some manu scripts of his which are in your possession, if you do not. Can I get them ?

I think of no news to tell you. It is a serene summer day here, all above the snow. The hens steal their nests, and I steal their eggs still, as formerly. This is what I do with the hands. Ah, labor, it is a divine institution, and con versation with many men and hens.

Do not think that my letters require as many special answers. I get one as often as you write to Concord. Concord inquires for you daily, as