Page:Famine Inquiry Commission (Woodhead Commission) Final Report.djvu/260

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PART IV Improvement of Agricultural Economy

In Part III of this report we examined the possibilities of developing agricultural production by the application of scientific knowledge and technical resources. As we have pointed out, the existence of these technical possibilities is not sufficient; they must be realized. Government can and must assist in their realization, but in the last resort, it is the people, the millions engaged in agriculture, who, by their individual and co-operative efforts, must secure the increase in agricultural production- on which the welfare of the community so largely depends. Are the pioducers capable of the effort which is necessary? Have they the necessary resources? Are they suitably organized for co-operative effort? In other words, is agricultural production in the country generally organized. so as to be capable of realizing the technical possibilities of increased production? We propose to consider these questions in this part of our report.

2. The organization of agricultural production depends, to v large extent, on the system of rights and obligations of holders of land, that is, on the prevailing land systems. The view has cften been expressed that there is a close connection between many features of the present land systems and the efficiency of agricultural production, and that the latter cannot be materially improved unless changes are made in the former. We, therefore, put the following questions to the Provincial Governments :— (i) Describe tile various systems of land tenure prevalent in your province. State the extent of land held under each of these systems. (ii) To what extent was there a tendency for ownership a! land to pass out of the hands of cultivating classes to non-cultivating classes? Has this tendency been arrested or reversed to any significant extent? (iii) Is absentee ownership of land increasing? If so, do you consider it to be a factor restricting the growth of agricultural production? Have any remedies been tried and with what results? Can you suggest any remedies? (iv) Are the cultivating classes rack-rented in any areas of your province? Have any remedies been tried? If so, with what results? Can you suggest any remedies? (v) (a) Is there a tendency to progressive reduction in the average size of holdings, and/or their fragmentation? [249]