Page:Famous Fantastic Mysteries (1951-03).djvu/112

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It seems like F.F.M. and I have a similar taste. When it has a story, I like it and when I have a story, it prints it. Sorry if I speak of it as though it were human. It's only because at times it seems that way. I guess it's more like a push button machine. We ask for a certain story and presto there it is.

Last time 1 wrote I asked for a Haggard yarn and I got it. I asked for the recreation of Astonishing and got A. Merritt's Fantasy (well maybe I had to help in pushing those two buttons).

I wish I had help in pushing a few more buttons:

(1) A. Merritt is a good author, maybe not the best, but a good storyteller. Now how about reviving the old Astonishing? Ye gads, am I the only one that wants it? Look at the list of gems its past record produced: "The Halfling," "After the Plague," "It Happened Tomorrow," etc. Think how the future issues could look: Bradbury's Martian chronicles, Leigh Brackett stories about the planets, etc.

(2)—Let's see Stringer's "Wolf Woman," and some stories by Kline, Taine, and Williamson.

Can't go on telling you what to do without saying what I think of what you did. Stringer's "The Woman Who Couldn't Die" is a slightly outdated (1928) story, especially the blood transfusion apparatus, but there wasn't one fault in the story. Very good, very similar to Merritt's "People of the Pit." Except the people of Stringer's pit were human. I grade it with a great big double A. I've already suggested 'printing Stringer's other fantasy "The Wolf Woman." Might as well print them both so the fans can enjoy them and ask:

"Did Stringer write any more fantasies?"

No! No more fantasies, only two.

Anything else? Yes, I need 17 back issues of F.F.M. including the "Darkness and Dawn" trilogy issues, and "Palos of the Dog Star Pack," the first four F.N.s, the second and the third issues of Astonishing and many, many more (119 in all).

Thanks for two of the best magazines ever sold.

Don A. McGinnis.

4324 St. Johns Ave.,
Dayton 6, Ohio.


Please, would you announce in your magazine the opening of the Galaxy Science Fiction Society? Members under 18. If interested, write Dennis Lynch, 2834 Carlaris Rd., San Marino 9, Calif.


I'm afraid I've an awful lot of nerve asking you again to publish another letter of mine, especially when I've not gotten the last two issues of your mag, but you see, I went to Denver, Col. (by thumb) to see if I could get work there, and at the same time to improve my health. But I was unsuccessful on both counts. And after hocking my wristwatch and jacket, and receiving a few bucks from some true friends, I returned home (via thumb) and now I've decided to try my dad-blamed darnedest to sell all of my magazines— for from loc'each up to 50c, including postage.

I sure hate to do this, but I've got to get some money— and there are times when one must sacrifice his possessions in order to keep alive.

Scienti-Fantastically yours,

Glen Wright.

Rm #3—45 Lawn St.,
Rochester 7,
N. Y.

P. S. I'm selling these mags out of necessity— not business. Anyone wanting a complete list of the mags enclose a penny postcard or a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, AND JULY 2, 1940 (Title 36, United States Code, Section 238), of Famous Fantastic Mysteries, published bi-monthly at Kokomo, Indiana, for October 1, 1950. 1. The names and address of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business managers are: Publisher, Harold 8. Goldsmith, 205 East 42nd St., New York 17, New York. Editor. Henry Steeger, 206 East 42nd St., New York 17, New York. Managing editor, Nona. Business manager, None. 2. The owner Is: All Fiction Field, Inc., 205 East 42nd St.» New York 17, New York; Popular Publications, Inc., 205 East 42nd St,, New York 17. New York; Henry Steeger, 205 East 42nd 8t., New York 17, New York; Harold S. Goldsmith, 205 East 42nd St.. New York 17. New York; Shirley M. Steeger, 205 East 42nd St., New York 37, New York. S. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 Include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities la a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. Signed, Harold S. Goldsmith, Publisher. Sworn to -and subscribed before me this 2nd day of October, 1050, Eva M. Walker, Notary Public, State of New York, Qualified in. New York County, No. 31-8506800, Certificate filed with: City Register N. Y. County, Commission Expires March 30, 1852. (Seal)—Form 3526—Rev. 2-4D.