Page:Famous Living Americans, with Portraits.djvu/52

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JANE ADDAMS 33 We'll lend her to Europe and Asia, So long as we get her hack home.

  • * The Peace Dove will perch on her shoulder,

All Europe will dwell in accord. The Turks will go hack to rug-making, The Balkans will put up the sword. * ' BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS • Heroines of Modem Progress, pp. 280-307. (Sturgis and Walton.) By Elmer C. Adams and Warren D. Foster. Twenty Years at Hull House. (Macmillan.) By Jane Addams. PERIODICALS Autobiographical Notes. By Jane Addama American Magazine 69:722-734; 70:84-93, 192-202, 338-348, 494-505, 638-646. Chicago's Farewell to Jane Addams. Survey 29:741. Hull House, Chicago : An Effort toward Social Democracy. By Jane Addam& Forum 14:226-241. Jane Addams (a poem). By William A. Bradley. American Magch zine 70:562. Jane Addams — Interpreter. By Graham Taylor. Review of Re- views 40 :688. Jane Addams: the Lady of the Melting Pot. Current Literature 49 :152-156. / Jane Addams 's Twenty Years of Industrial Democracy. By Graham Taylor. Survey 25:405-409. My Experiences as a Progressive Candidate. By Jane Addams. Mc- CZur6'5 40:12-14. Only Saint America Has Produced. Current Literature 40 :377-379. Routine and Ideals. By John Haynes Holmea Survey 25 :881-883. Settlers in the City Wilderness. Atlantic Monthly 77 :118. Social Settlement. By Annie L. Muzzey. Arena 16 :432. Visit to Tolstoy. By Jane Addams. McClure's 36:295.