Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/117

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zontal band of red just above the hem; black cloth military jacket, with jockey basque at the back, pointed in front; a white cloth plastron covering the chest; red and white facings to the cuffs, and gold buttons; a keg slung across the shoulder; muslin apron; hair curled in front, tied at back en queue with black ribbon; cocked hat, with tri-coloured rosette. The dress of the Fille du Tambour-Major in the first act is white skirt, with lace-edged flounce; tunic and bodice of grey cashmere with black ribbon; velvet braces; square linen collar coming well down to the bust back and front; a black velvet bow on the head. All the girls in the convent school are similarly attired, with a puritanical quietness which in fancy ball-rooms always has so marked and good an effect among the gay dresses.

FINLANDER. Blue cloth petticoat, the edge embroidered with crimson; full white bodice to the throat; sleeves to wrist, rosettes of red down the front; red sash, knotted at the side; velvet sleeveless bodice bordered with gold. Red handkerchief tied round head. A long embroidered over-dress is also worn by the peasantry.

FIRE. Black tulle evening dress over red silk, tunic or train fringed with red and gold tinsel, bodice and skirt dotted with stars of the same, as also the veil; coronet of tinsel to resemble flames; ornaments, garnets. Torch carried in hand. It may also be carried out with black and crimson velvet embroidered with flames, or in flame-coloured tulle.

FIRE-FLY. Under-skirt and jacket of black velvet; tunic of flame-coloured llama cut in scallops; gold tissue introduced round velvet skirt and on puffings of sleeves; cap of black velvet and flame-coloured llama; black and gold gauze wings; fan of black and gold.

FISHGIRLS, FISHWIVES, &c. Boulogne Fishwife. Scarlet flannel skirt, high black jacket, sleeves to elbow turned up with muslin, band of scarlet at neck, black and white tunic à la laveuse—viz., turned up in front and caught together at back; cap like a net, with stiff gouffered frill round the face; scarlet half-handkerchief over this; pockets of white calico outside the dress; large gold earrings and cross. Calvados Fishgirl. Blue and white striped skirt, black tunic, and low bodice trimmed with cross-cut