Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/155

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hair powdered or not powdered. Or, blue satin petticoat, cerise moire skirt, and laced body, looped up. Insignias, cat, or white Pomeranian or other dog, real crook, ebony stick, tortoiseshell rimmed spectacles, loaf of bread, bottles of white and red wine, and bone, &c. Highlow shoes, hair poudré with small steeple-crowned hat, lace apron and kerchief, Or, a print gown; white apron; red cloak with hood; poke bonnet; white cap and stick. She is sometimes accompanied by a boy dressed as a dog in white skin with large tail and nose. Mere Michel is the French Mother Hubbard. She wears a flowered chintz gown, white linen apron, checked handkerchief, while muslin cap, spectacles, blue stockings, feather broom. Mother Bunch is 2ii?iys poudre; the same in other respects. Dame Trot wears a pointed hat not so high. Nance Redfern, Mother Shipton, and the Old Woman who Swept the Sky (see O), being witches, carry brooms, and on their skirts are toads, cats, serpents, curlews, frogs, bats, and lizards in black velvet; a serpent twisted round the crown of hat, an owl in front, a black cat on shoulder. Sometimes a scarlet cloak is attached to the shoulders, and the velvet bodice is high, with pendent sleeves.

HUGUENOT (after Millais). Black skirt and close-fitting bodice, with gathered basque of figured velvet, the sleeves to wrist, with lace cuff slashed with white satin at top; close plaited ruff at throat; hair waved and rolled from the face; round velvet cap with row of pearls and white feather. (Plate VII., Fig. 26.) Or, satin dress, bodice to waist, and high to throat, the front with silver cloth let in; ruff; sleeves with six puffs to wrist, slashed; hat of satin, bordered with silver, and a feather.

HUGUENOT PERIOD. Long plain skirt of velvet; low sleeveless bodice of the same, with white lace; berthe and white muslin sleeves, coming below the elbow; a band of velvet round the head; the hair dressed in a coil, with curls depending from it. Or with a high bodice and deep basques; tight-fitting sleeves, with a puff at the shoulder, slashed with satin; a ruffle of velvet and satin, with a lace ruff inside; white lace cuffs. Or, dark blue velveteen; long plain skirt, and low sleeveless bodice, almost hidden by white lace berthe, also low; sleeves of white muslin, confined below the elbow by narrow blue velvet run through lace; hair loosely drawn