Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/173

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JUST 100 YEARS AGO. A favourite name for a pretty poudré dress. (See Poudré.)

JUTLAND PEASANT GIRL. Green, black, and red striped petticoat; large black and green apron with border; green velvet bodice, tight sleeves trimmed with band of embroidery across front to imitate square bodice; red and black handkerchief about head, with revers of lace turning up from ears.

KATHARINA (Taming of the Shrew). Plain satin skirt touching the ground; low pointed bodice with basque all round formed of loops of ribbons; a ruff from shoulder widening at the back, supported by wire, edged with pointed lace, the sleeves tight to wrist, with lace cuffs; puffed epaulette, and over-sleeves, which button at elbow and hang therefrom in a straight piece; a velvet head-dress, bordered with pearls of Marie Stuart form. A satchel bag attached to girdle falls loosely round hips.


KITTY OLIVE. Dress of blue cashmere; plain skirt; bodice square cut with white stomacher and black velvet bands; sleeves turned up at elbow, with square cuffs, full muslin sleeves beneath; muslin apron trimmed with lace; cap of same, with black velvet bow; powdered hair.

KITTY, DUCHESS OF QUEENSBERRY. Petticoat of rich brocade, trimmed with lace; black velvet sacquc, lined and trimmed with crimson satin, velvet, and pearls; stomacher of amethysts, rubies, and pearls; diamond ornaments; hair powdered, with crimson velvet and lace head-dress.

LA LIBERTÉ, Classic cashmere dress embroidered in pearls, pearl girdle; the red cap of Liberty studded with pearls; a white satin banner, embroidered with the word "Liberte," carried in the hand. The dress is made with a long skirt, loose, low, full bodice, pendent sleeves. (For style, see Greek.)


LACE COLLECTION. Red satin petticoat; up the front a plastron formed of short lengths of different kinds of lace, narrower towards the top; flounce of red satin and a band of lace round. The black satin paniers bordered with