Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/178

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LILY. Yellow shoes and stockings; the short white satin skirt cut in Vandykes; green bodice; cap like an inverted bell with green stalk; a full plain skirt of white moire, draped at the back with large sash of the same; tablier of gold satin, covered with pearls and crystals; square-cut bodice, with high pearl collar, lined with gold satin; and a large soft white hat, trimmed with lilies and ostrich feathers.

LILY (Arum). A white satin gown draped with tulle; large white velvet arum leaves falling on the skirt from the waist; an upstanding ruff to low bodice formed of the same; arum fan; powdered hair.

LILY OF LEOVILLE. White cambric head-dress, goffered all round, and trimmed with falling ends at either side of gold silk; brown velvet bodice opening a la Breton over white chemisette, trimmed with gold braid and beads; Swiss belt of brocade; lace collarette and elbow sleeves; blue satin skirt with bands of brown plush; very large apron of light blue silk bordered with insertion; gold cross round neck.


LIZARD BIRD. Yellow satin skirt, bodice of green jet; lizard birds on the head, and perched on the shoulders.


LORELEI. Dress of watered silk, shot with silver, draped with green, and caught up with water lilies, coral, and diamonds; veil to match; sometimes soft muslin is draped in classic fashion; the hair flowing; a coronet of silver on the head; an old fashioned lyre carried in the hand. (See Water-Nymph.)

LORN, MAID OF. White muslin dress, with scarf of tartan of the clan. Lady Elizabeth Campbell appeared thus in the character at the famous Waverley Ball at Willis's Rooms.

LORRAINE PEASANT. Mob cap of fine muslin, a cockade in front; brown dress; bodice opening in front; white muslin fichu; lace ruffles.

LOUIS XIII. (temp. 1610-1643). A petticoat of satin or brocade, an over-dress either fastened down at the side or loose and flowing; the bodice cut in one with the skirt or pointed; gauze sleeves, puffed from shoulder to wrist, and pendent ones over, lined with a contrasting colour; the bodice