Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/181

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and jacket of canary silk; deep flounced basque at back bordered with a ruche of the same. The jacket in this opens heart-shape, a muslin fichu inside, elbow-sleeves; hair powdered; white silk cap trimmed with black and canary. White silk front breadth and low bodice trimmed with rows of gold braid; long skirt and low bodice of blue silk, falling collar of lace, long sleeves, a puff from the elbow with turn-back cuffs of lace, and also trimmed with gold braid; hair not powdered. A curious costume, d'après Debucoure, 1787, is as follows: Light blue under-skirt with a flounce round the edge, blue train bordered with gold, red bodice terminating at waist with gold belt, large blue revers at neck; white tie and chemisette; tight sleeves to wrist, blue cuff's; enormous yellow hat with floral wreath over powdered hair; stick in hand. Another rendering: White satin petticoat; skirts of white lace, pink and blue satin; powdered hair, and feathers; diamond star, turquoise and diamond ornaments. Very large hats were worn at this period.

LOVE.—White satin dress with low cuirass bodice, out-lined with red velvet, displaying white hearts; red velvet hearts appearing on the skirt; wings at the back; coronet head-dress with red heart; the skirt is caught up with an arrow and quiver.

LOVE BIRDS. The skirt a series of scolloped green silk flounces, with birds' plumage, tail for tunic; the cap made to resemble the head and beak; the veritable birds perched on right shoulder of bodice formed of green feathers.

LUCAS (1785). Short stuff skirt pinked out at the edge; large pink apron; the bodice striped and laced in front; linen kerchief; ruffles at elbow; large hat with pink ribbons.

LUCENA, QUEEN OF THE MOON. Pale blue silk skirt; small tunic of fire-coloured gauze; velvet bodice surrounded by galon and gold stars; diadem on head; a band with moon and signs of zodiac carried in the hand.

LUCY (The Rivals). High-heeled shoes, with plain buckles; stockings, with silk clocks; quilted satin under-skirt; bodice, and bunched up over-skirt; lace tucker round bodice; small mob cap. Colours to be chosen to suit wearer, not prononcé Black lace apron.

LUNA. (See Moon and Lucena).