Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/184

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which forms a puff at the waist; long sleeves slashed inside the arm showing white muslin through; gold betrimmed epaulettes; gold net, with sequins.

MADELINE (in Belphegor, Scene 3rd). Short crimson cashmere skirt trimmed with black velvet, tucked up over a petticoat of pale blue cashmere; crimson vest, with bodice of black velvet strapped over it; small white apron, with pockets and scarlet bows; French cap, period of Louis XVIII.; shoes same period; antique French cross, fastened round the neck with black velvet; earrings to match.

MADOLINATA (From Wagner's Picture). Front gold brocade; over-dress velvet bordered with gold; bodice low, square jewelled stomacher; high stiff ruff standing up at shoulder; full puffed sleeves to wrist; hair curled on fore-head; rolled above and entwined with pearls.

MAGDALEN MAGPIE. Miniature boating hat with black and white streamers on powdered hair. Black silk jersey, scarf, sash, and satin kilted skirt striped white and black, and pompons of the same colour. Black stockings with white rosettes on the shoes. Shield of Magdalen College, Oxford, fastened to bodice. La Pie Voleuse has a magpie on the shoulder with a diamond ring in its mouth.

MAGPIE. Half black, half white dress; hair powdered on one side and not on the other; one glove and one shoe black, one white; short satin skirt, with gauze tunic bordered with fringe; basque bodice; gauze fichu; satin ribbon tied in a bow at the throat; gauze cap. All half black and half white, so that the wearer seems on one side all black, on the other all white. A magpie on the right shoulder. (For an original rendering, see Coloured Plate X.) The front of skirt is striped black and white satin plaited; the bodice cut in one with long side revers of black, lined and turned back with white ruching to the hem of skirt, opening down back to show full plaited skirt. The black bodice bordered with white; low striped vest; magpie on the shoulder and in hair, which may be powdered or not, or half powdered.

MAHOMEDAN LADY. Loose trousers of striped silk, tunic of gold-spangled muslin; bodice and sleeves of crimson satin striped with gold; pendent sleeves hanging in front of crimson gauze; bangles round ankles and arms;