Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/200

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MEDORA. Amber satin petticoat, trimmed with gold; Greek bodice and tunic of black satin; hair in plaits, round Oriental satin cap embroidered in gold, with gauze veil.

MEDUSA. Black classic dress of soft cashmere, trimmed with lizards, scorpions, and dragons; snakes in hair, and snakes for ornaments.

MEG MERRILIES (Heart of Mid-Lothian). Blue riding jacket with gold lace; hair clubbed like a man, a bunch of broken feathers attached; riding skirt, gloves, bunch of old faded flowers in front, whip in hand.

MELNOTTE, WIDOW (Lady of Lyons). Plain striped grey gingham dress; black apron; short black cape; over shoulders; cap.

MERCURY. (Girl.) Carries caduceus. Black velvet Phrygian cap, steel ornament in front, white wings at the back, repeated on heels and at back of plaited lace ruff; white short dress, panels of jet.

MERCY. (See Geneva Sister.)

MERE MICHEL. (See Hubbard, Mother, and Appendix.)

MERMAID. Dress with low bodice of eau de Nile silk, covered with drapery of sea green tulle, with a profusion of white corals, shells, marine grass, flowers, and crystallised foam; the left shoulder of the dress ornamented with a cluster of diamonds; the right shoulder and ceinture with silvery iridescent gems; flowing hair crowned with corals, pearls, and diamonds, interspersed with pendants of seagrass. (See Water-Nymph.)

MERVEILLEUSE. (Period of French devolution.) Nothing can be too eccentric. Skirt of gold and spotted muslin, with gathered flounces sewn with red, and headed by crossbands; green Directoire bodice, with belt, lined with red; double sleeves, both ending in lace ruflles, the upper one coming to elbow; muslin fichu; large jabot and ruffles; enormous bouquet fastened on left shoulder; crimson satin boots; large hat trimmed with red and green feathers, fastened with tricolour cockade; snuff'-box, gloves, and eye-glass; hair plaited in pigtail and tied. The Merveilleuses had adopted all the vagaries of their male friends, the Incroyables—the dishevelled locks, the hair à la victime, hat à la Charlotte Corday, with tri-coloured scarf tied under the armpits, stiff stocks, eye-