Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/204

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green skirt; nasturtium Pompadour polonaise, short sleeves; muslin kerchief and mob cap; and carries the orthodox pail.

MILKMAID. (See "My Pretty Maid.")

MILLER'S DAUGHTER. Similar dress of white cashmere trimmed with gold. Sometimes this and Miller's Maid are made of white sateen, and worn with powdered hair.

MILLER'S WIFE. Stripped woollen skirt with laveuse tunic of plain colour; low striped bodice with white sleeves; toy windmill on the top of muslin cap.

MILLINER, WHITE (Comedy by Douglas Jerrold). Full skirt of soft white lawn, over-skirt opening in front, caught up in a pouf about the hips; large lace-edged apron with a bunch of white ribbons on one side; pointed bodice laced in front, cut square, with elbow sleeves, fichu and ruffles; high white cap; a white velvet mask edged with lace.

MILLIONNAIRE. (Same as Money.)

MINNA TROIL. (See Brenda Troil.)


MIRANDA (Tempest). White cashmere dress, bordered with silver, the skirt gathered on to the long cuirass bodice, cut square at the neck, with hanging sleeves, a satchel pocket at the side; silver coronet and veil.

MIRTH, QUEEN OF. Rose-coloured skirt, white satin front, and low square bodice, trimmed with bells, crocuses, shamrocks, and butterflies (emblems of mirth); coronet and veil; a sceptre surmounted by a butterfly; rose-coloured shoes.

MISS MUFFET. Chintz, or plain blue sateen dress, trimmed with gold lace; muslin fichu and mittens; spider in cap. Or, short dress of pale blue sateen trimmed with gold lace; muslin apron, fichu and cap, the latter surmounted by a spoon and spider.

MIST. Grey tulle, scattered over with dewdrops; square cut bodice, and sacque of grey; grey shaded tulle veil of the same fastened in powdered hair and to front of bodice, with diamonds; grey shoes, gloves, stockings and fan; diamond ornaments.