Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/224

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OPHELIA (Hamlet). Long plain skirt of white cashmere, with a peplum tunic, one end caught up in the girdle, thus forming a lap filled with poppies, corn, cornflowers, catkins, pansies, forget-me-nots, and marguerites; the bodice low and full, with long pendent sleeves, the whole trimmed with rows of silver braid and fringe; the fair hair hangs over the shoulders entwined with flowers; a wreath on the head, and lisse veil studded with flowers; white satin shoes. It may also be carried out in silver tissue or white silk; long plain brocaded silk bodice opening heart shape, sleeves tight to wrist, puffed to elbow; hair flowing, wreaths of flowers on head, and side of dress caught up with girdle and puffed round waist. As Ophelia, Miss Terry wore a costume of pale fraise ecrasé cashmere, bordered with ermine, cut in V-shape at throat, and draped skirt. Second dress: White satin bodice, studded with pearls; missal suspended from girdle, with string of pearls.


ORANGE GIRL. (See Neapolitan.)

ORANGES AND LEMONS. A fashionably made tulle evening dress of light blue or two shades of yellow, with branches of oranges upon it, a wreath of orange blossoms having an orange at the side; orange and lemon leaves round the bodice. This offers an opportunity to a recent bride of wearing her bridal wreath once more. Fan with oranges painted on it; basket of oranges and lemons in hand; lemon-coloured shoes and gloves. Another costume is: Dress of very pale blue tulle, with satin bodice; a row of orange leaves with a few flowers for the sleeves and edging of the bodice, and arranged about the skirt; clusters of the fruit on the left of the low bodice, the back of the right sleeve, about the skirt, and on the hair; the fan composed of leaves with a cluster of fruit, and a fancy basket of the fruit on the arm; the long lemon-coloured gloves have the backs painted to match. Two sisters might dress the character as follows: White satin dresses over yellow; powdered hair; one trimmed with lemons and foliage, the other with oranges; the leaves may be arranged as paniers, with clusters of fruit depending, the fruit forming a cap, with the stalk upwards and leaves around; large fan of yellow gauze. Two shades of yellow are sometimes employed for this dress, if the person represents the two fruits.