Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/233

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head, the hair in a coil at the back; sandals; gold and brown combine well for this dress.

PEPYS, Mrs. Green satin dress, with pale pink front of satin, bodice with square tabs at waist, ornamented with pink bows, large pink slashed sleeves; large linen collar edged with point lace; pink shoes; hair in curls with strings of pearls, pearl necklets and bracelets.

PERDITA (Winter's Tale). Shepherdess dress, crook carried in hand, entwined with blue ribbons and roses; short blue skirt with two festooned flounces of silver gauze caught up with roses; tunic of the same; bodice low, and trimmed as a stomacher; wreath on head. Or, as worn by Miss Leclerc for the character: A full white skirt coming just below the knees, trimmed with a blue border of the Greek key pattern; a full low bodice with short sleeves, edged with the same; a blue ribbon girdle, white stockings, and blue shoes, laced across, and rather high; a wreath of wild flowers on the head, a spray hanging loosely from one shoulder across the bosom, and a crook with wild flowers carried in the hand.

PERI OF OCEAN. (See Water Nymph.)

PERICHOLE. Skirt of peacock blue; loose jacket of black velvet trimmed with gold sequins; Roman sash; Indian kerchief head-dress; scarlet stockings; gold, silver, and amber necklet and armlets.

PERRINE. Pointed shoes; full lace-edged trousers to ankle; lace bordered short skirt; low bodice, short sleeves scarf crossing bodice with ball fringe; high hat.

PERSIAN. The women wear clinging draperies; the bodice, cut in one with the skirt, fitting the figure closely, made half high, the sleeves tight to the wrist, and armlets over them above the elbow; jewelled girdles round the waist; a sort of coif on the head, with a gold-spangled veil of some soft fabric, the hair loose or in plaits on the shoulders. Oriental-looking satin or cashmere, bespangled with silver crescents and stars, are most appropriate; ornaments of coins and beads.

PERSIAN PRINCESS. Green satin skirt covered with gold; a black satin bodice and tunic bordered with gold; crêpe lisse fichu beneath, and corselet of cloth of gold; coif, and gold-spangled veil; scarf round waist.