Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/291

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and a small barrel. (See also Russian Hussar, Mediæval Vivandière; also Plate XII., Fig. 46.)

VANDIÈRE FRANCAISE. Scarlet cashmere skirt, bands of white satin and gold braid, white satin scart trimmed with gold fringe and braid; jacket of same material cut in military style; facings of satin, trimmed profusely with gold; epaulettes and cords on the shoulders; three cornered black satin hat; black strapped boots with diamond buckles, scarlet silk stockings; scarlet and white barrel and white gauntlet gloves. Or, blue and red epaulettes, lace skirt; coat in mousquetaire style, the skirt buttoned back; cocked hat.

VIVIEN (Idylls of the King). A long grey robe of brocade; a gold belt at the waist; a gold band over the flowing hair; the bodice a low square; the sleeves puffed.

WAITING-MAID (French). Striped black and red petticoat; over-skirt of deep gold colour, lined with red, forming a puff at the back; black velvet bodice, and white plastron, barred across with black velvet; small muslin cap with plaiting à la vieille, black velvet round it, and a bow; a gold cross tied about the neck; red and white striped stockings; black shoes.

WAKEFIELD, FAMILY OF THE VICAR OF. Olivia and Sophia Primrose wear quilted skirts, bodices with elbow-sleeves and ruffles, muslin aprons, and kerchiefs. In Maclise's picture, "Preparing Moses for the Fair," the two sisters appear: one in a long quilted satin petticoat touching the ground, a white muslin apron surrounded by frilling reaching to the edge of the skirt; a bodice and skirt all in one of brocaded stuff or silk; the skirt drawn away from the front and caught up at the back, so that the inside is seen at the sides; there is a large bow at the back of the waist, the bodice is low, and a muslin fichu crosses the shoulders, and is pinned down to the waist in front; a knot of ribbons on the dress; a band of black velvet with bow at the throat; the sleeves come to the elbow, and below is a puff of muslin and a frill; the hair is drawn away from the face, and a cap with a bow of ribbons at the side is pinned to the back, so that the lace just shows above the roll in front. The other sister has her hair also drawn away from the face, wears a large ruff round the throat, a white dress with a low bodice cut in one piece with