Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/32

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trasting colour or fabric may be quilted or embroidered, and sewn with gems; low plain bodice, bordered at waist with frill of material; large upstanding wired lace ruff from shoulders; sleeves, one puff at top, tight to wrist, close ruffles; head-dress a slightly pointed cap of velvet, pearls, and feathers. (See Plate I., Fig. 2).

ANDALUSIAN. (See Spanish.)

ANGEL, MISS. Thus described in Miss Thackeray's novel, identical with

ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. "Sacque and petticoat of white silk, a grey brocade upon it resembling network, embroidered with rosebuds; deep-pointed stomacher, pinked and gimped; the sleeves fitted the arm closely to a little below the elbow, from which hung three point-lace ruffles; her neckerchief was of point, confined by a bunch of rosebuds; three rows of pearls were tied with a narrow white satin ribbon; her small lace cap floated over curls and powdered hair; shoes with heels three inches high to match the dress." Mittens may be worn. The dress is often white, the sacque brocaded sometimes with silver.

ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD, WOMEN OF, had loose dresses touching the ground, consisting of tunic, kirtle, and mantle with large over-sleeves; the tunic was worn over the under garment, then made of linen, with tight sleeves at wrist; the word kirtle has many meanings, it was then applied to the loose under-skirt. The head was enveloped in a veil of stuff, silk, or wool, only worn out of doors. The skirt is bordered with embroidery, tight sleeves, a girdle round waist, the bodice high to the throat meeting a gold necklet. For regal robe from shoulder of distinct tone, velvet would be the best material. Gold circlet on head. Red, green, and blue the favourite colours.

ANGOT, FILLE DE MADAME (Clairette). Short skirt, striped or plain red; low velvet or pink satin bodice, muslin kerchief inside, the ends tucked under a bib of the black or pink silk apron, bordered with lace half-hidden by a muslin apron, scolloped at edge, the left corner tucked into waistband on right side; large full muslin cap, red cockade at side, or a straw hat poised at back of head, with velvet trimmings and pink roses; sleeves to elbow; large gold cross and ornaments. In the early scenes she wears a bridal dress.