Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/322

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shoes, white stockings; full knickerbockers to the knee; a blouse, confined at the waist by a belt, long full sleeves to wrist; a shoulder-cloak, and round cap made of striped satin or calico; a close muslin ruff at the throat.

MISS MUFFET. Pale blue dress trimmed with gold lace; spider in cap.

MONK. Long brown ample robe, with wide sleeves, and a cord round the waist. The Franciscans have a small cape and hood; the Capuchins' cape is as large as that of an Inverness wrapper. Rosary at side.

MUSICIANS. (See Baby Opera.)

NIGHT AND MORNING (Boy). Half black, half white satin tights, juste-au-corps, and round hat; the face half black, the hair powdered on one side; one glove black one white; the same with shoes.

NURSERY RHYMES. See description in body of book.

OLDEN TIME, GENTLEMAN OF. Silk stockings; shoes with buckles; knee breeches; very long flowered waistcoat, with flap pockets; long coat, steel buttons, and ruffles; a frill to shirt; bald head or white hair; a stick in the hand.

PAGE (The Betrothed). Tights; long skirted habit; sleeves with double puffs, slashed from elbow; wide lace collar. (Temp. Charles I.) Velvet coat and breeches, with ribbon rosettes; silk stockings, shoes with bows; Vandyke collar and cuffs; satin-lined coat; large hat and feather; all to be of the one tone. (Temp. Elizabeth.) Silk stockings; trunks; satin habit and shoulder-cloak, elaborately braided; ruff and low-crowned hat.

PANGLOSS, DR. A black velvet suit in the Georgian style, with long skirted coat and waistcoat; white wig and spectacles.

PAUL PRY. High boots, trousers of red and white striped calico, tucked into them; waistcoat to match, with large watch and chain, powdered bag-wig, blue tail-coat and brass buttons, umbrella under arm.

PICARDY, PEASANT OF. National head-dress—a broad silk ribbon gaily embroidered, ruched with muslin on