Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/39

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and black diamonds; low square basque bodice of the same colours, striped, cut in Vandykes, and trimmed with gold; short puffed sleeves; boots, one red, one yellow. Three cornered black hat; coloured aigrette. (See Harlequinette and Plate XV., Fig. 60.)

ARLINE (Bohemian Girl). Black or rose-coloured tulle or satin dress covered with coins and gold braid; scarf of many colours round the skirt; gold armlets below and above the elbow, connected with gold chains; gold net on the head, with coins. Or short dress of crimson, blue, green, and yellow satin stripes, trimmed with gold lace and sequins; pale blue satin tunic embroidered in gold; cap to correspond; armlets and ornaments of coins. Satin shoes; hair in a coil or pendent plaits.

ARMENIAN WOMAN. In the country they wear shoes with toes turning upwards, full silk trousers, white under-dress, open at neck, made of thin muslin; a silk scarf round waist; full white sleeves; velvet embroidered sleeveless coat, opening wide in front; round cap of velvet; hair in plaits, and a yachmush out of doors. For a fancy ball, handsome silver clasps are added to the belt; a silk brocaded jacket and tunic often replace the over-dress. Long gauze veil and plenty of ornaments admissible.

ARMIDA (Tasso's Jerusalem Liberata). Niece of Idraot, Prince of Damascus. Golden hair falling loosely on shoulders, the head encircled with band of gold; long flowing loose robe of cashmere or any soft woollen stuff of greyish tint, low at the neck, the sleeves loose and hanging, a girdle at the waist; edge of skirt and bodice bordered with gold.

ARRAH-NA-POGUE. Short red woollen petticoat, blue and white striped low bodice, and tunic pinned back laveuse fashion; plain sleeves to elbow, white neckerchief and apron; grey stockings, high-heeled shoes; milk-pails. (See Irish Peasant.)

ART. Flowing classic dress of light cashmere; low full-bodice girdled with tassels; short sleeves cut in two Vandykes, fastened with buttons on outside of arm, and long train from the shoulders lined with a colour; drab and blue, or gold and brown are suitable. The draperies may be bordered with Greek pattern in gold braid. A palette and brush