Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/50

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a bee's head with eyes and antennæ. In the hand a gold wand surmounted by a miniature bee-hive.

BEE, QUEEN. Skirt, puffings of yellow tulle to resemble a bee-hive; small coloured flounces at the hem giving an appearance of fulness. (Bees are dotted about the skirt.) The back of skirt to represent body of insect, made in gold and brown satin, with a panel of sweet-smelling and honey-giving flowers at each side; low bodice, golden brown velvet over white tulle chemisette, worked in honeycomb edged at the neck with bees; long transparent gauze wings fastened to the shoulders with jewelled bees. A bee nestling among flowers for head-dress; gold and striped brown stockings and shoes, with bee on instep.

BEETLES, QUEEN OF. Short black skirt with horizontal stripes of red and yellow; the same combination carried round the top of the black bodice; a black pointed cap, the whole covered with ever-moving toy beetles. A sceptre in the hand, surmounted by a beetle.

BEGUM. Full plaited skirt of fine Indian muslin, the edges bound with silver braid, long drapery on the head of same; belt round waist; slippers embroidered in silver.

BELLA DI TIZIANO. (See Venetian.)

BELLE, LA, DAME SANS MERCI. (See Keats' ballad.) Long mediæval robe of blood-red sateen, with a mantle fastened from the shoulders of the same colour; the bodice rounded at the neck, and rather low; a thick gold torque at throat; the robe is cut in one and moulded to the figure, the sleeves full and long. The garland for the head, the bracelets, and "fragrant zone," should be made of grasses and wild flowers; the hair left loose and floating; a branch of some wild-berried plant in the hand; no gloves.

BELLENDEN, EDITH. (Old Mortality. See E.)

BELLE OF THE RACECOURSE. Plain short skirt of bright coloured satin, with a race ridden by jockeys painted round it; striped satin jacket; jockey cap; loops of ribbon to match the petticoat on the shoulders; horse shoe pin, riding boots, whip and betting book, flag-shaped fan of the colours worn.

BELLE STRATAGEM. (See Hardy, Miss Letitia.)