Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/58

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blue mantle lined with crimson satin fastened on one side with jewels; silver belt with lion's head at waist. Or a white cashmere flowing skirt, loose classic bodice and gold belt; a scarlet scarf fastened on left shoulder and floating on to dress, or the Union Jack draped over it.

BRUNHILDA AND KRIEMHILDA (Niebelslungen Lied). Suitable for two sisters. They wear rich gold stuffs made in Burgundian fashion of the thirteenth century. Brunhilda would have under-dress of brocade, over-dress of gold tissue caught up at the side; low square bodice bordered with jewels, jewelled stomacher, silver girdle; sleeves puffed at elbow and shoulder; gold crown, hair in coil entwined with pearls. Kriemhilda: under-skirt of rich stuff, bordered with bands of gold; upper-dress of embroidered cloth of gold, bordered with ermine; low bodice much jewelled in front, long sleeves lined with ermine, and bound with gold, tight sleeves to wrist; hair on shoulders, surmounted by a crown.

BULGARIAN PEASANT. Short blue petticoat, trimmed with bands of red and gold, over-skirt of pale blue stuff bordered and embroidered in three stripes with red, white, and gold. The red velvet bodice, which is close-fitting, is cut out heart-shape in front, the opening bordered with similar embroidery, showing an under-bodice of white cashmere, also embroidered heart-shape; tight sleeves, with bands of embroidery at the shoulders and cuffs; sash of many colours round the waist. In the country the unmarried girls wear wreaths of flowers, and rows of gold coins about the neck, a white embroidered scarf round the head. The married women wear beads; a belt with copper-gilt buttons. Helmet shaped caps.

BULLFINCH. Grey velvet cap with bullfinch head; corselet bodice of red feathers in front, grey velvet at back; short skirt of grey tulle with broad band of feathers or small grey wings, looping up the tulle; grey shoes with red heels and grey stockings with red clocks.

BUNCH, MOTHER. (See Mother Hubbard.)

BUNCH OF KEYS. A long black dress on which gilt paper keys are sewn at intervals. A bunch of keys are suspended at the waist. The head-dress, necklace, and ear-rings are made of gilt paper.