Page:Faoistin naoṁ-Ṗadraig (1906).djvu/97

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Faoistin Naoṁ-Ṗádraig i mBéarla.

scandalized in me for so doing. But I acted through hope of immortality, so as to protect myself cautiously in all things, in order that the unbelievers might receive me or the ministry of my service on one ground or another, and that I should not even in the least thing give occasion to the unbelievers to defame or detract.

50. It may be, then, that when I baptized so many thousands of men, I expected as much as half a scruple from any one of them. Inform me of it and I will return it to you. Or when the Lord everywhere ordained clerics by means of my mediocrity, and I gave them my ministrations gratis, if I sought from one of them even the price of my shoe tell it against me and I will return you more.

51. I spent for you that they might receive me, and both amongst you and whithersoever I went for your sake through many dangers, even to the uttermost regions beyond which no one dwells and where no one had ever come to baptize, or ordain clerics, or confirm the people, by the favour of God I have done every thing diligently and most willingly for your salvation.

52. Occasionally I gave presents to the kings besides the wages I gave their sons who journey with me; and still they seized me, together with my companions. And on that day they most eagerly desired to slay me, but the time had not yet come. And they carried off everything they found with us, and me myself they bound in irons. And on the fourteenth day the Lord delivered me from their power, and whatever belonged to us was returned to us for the sake of God and the true friends whom we had provided beforehand.

53. But you yourselves know by experience how much I paid to those who acted as guides through all the regions which I most frequently visited. For I