Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/106

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7. Always allege that you have never slept better in your life. Your host did not stuff the pillows, nor is he responsible for your conscience.

8. Tip the servants liberally. If necessary, remember that you did not have to pay for your room.

9. Do not fail, before leaving, to remark upon the beauty of the surroundings. They may be the most odious in the world, but your host would not be living there if he thought so.

10. Write a civil note to say you enjoyed yourself — even if that was all you did enjoy.

While I am about it, I see no reason why I should not set down ten rules for hosts. Equally with the foregoing, were they born out of bitter experience: hence, equally with the foregoing, are they entitled to respect.

1. Meet your guest at the station. It is charity, not hospitality, that begins at home.

2. Don’t force second helpings upon him. It is easier to propose food than to dispose of it.